Deed Indemnity Of Director Template | LawLive
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Deed of Indemnity of Director

Deed of Indemnity of Director
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This is the formal Deed of Indemnity for execution by both the Company and a Director.

By this Deed, the Company indemnifies the Director for specific actions and promises to reimburse the Director for various costs and expenses incurred by the Director insofar as they relate to the Director's activities as an officer of the Company.

This document attaches specific Notes.

This Deed of Indemnity of Director includes the following headings:

1. Definitions
2. Indemnity
3. Insurance
4. Reimbursement of certain costs and expenses
5. Shareholder approval
6. Application of the company's Constitution
7. Compliance with laws
8. Disclosures pursuant to Section 192 of the Corporations Act 2001

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