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Website Privacy Policy Template

Website Privacy Policy Template
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Build Time: 3 Min
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LawLive also offers: Website Terms and Conditions Templates

Recently there have been a number of widely publicised changes to the way in which private information is handled by companies in Australia, these changes are the adoption of the new Australian Privacy Principles. This privacy policy has been checked for its compliance with the new Australian Privacy Principles.

Privacy Policy Templates - All websites should have a Privacy Policy, even if you do not require visitors to register, provide content or offer them any goods or services. All web servers collect information regarding the PC's which access them, your Privacy Policy discusses what you do with that type of content. If you do offer registration and other services or products, then this Privacy Policy Template can be drafted to include your use of such information.

This Website Privacy Policy Template is for inclusion into all types of Australian Websites. You can use this Privacy Policy Template if you offer payment or goods/services through your website, if you have registered users, or if you simply offer information.

The ACCC is planning to rein in sites which have no warranty policy, or one they copied from a rival site without understanding its implications. Click to view article. It is vital you use a correctly written Website Privacy Policy and Website Terms and Conditions on your website.

A well drafted website privacy policy will help your customers or users understand what information you store and give them the confidence to use your website knowing how any information that they provide will be used. Your website privacy policy should be accessible from all pages on your website via a link in the footer of your page.

If you’re unsure if this Privacy Policy Template will be suitable for your website, call LawLive on 02 8960 6336 and we can assist you.

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  1. Very happy again, what a time and money saver these documents are. - Jane Thomasson

  2. Very Happy with this doc - Peter Davidson

  3. very fast and efficient...easy to understand and download..highly recommend this...need something fast and legal. - tatu morton

  4. What great service. Fast and freindly! A credit to LawLive. - Ellen Van Duijnhoven

  5. looks good - Marcus Rose

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