Checklist for a New Employee on a Collective Agreement Template | LawLive
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I found the document (Employee Handbook) really good, it is great to have a template to work from.

The staff there are really helpful also. Thank you!

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Checklist: Employee (Collective Agreement)

Checklist: Employee (Collective Agreement)
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Build Time: 3 Min
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LawLive also offers: Other Employment Documents

This is a handy Checklist that sets out all the main things that must be done in relation to employees engaged under a Collective Agreement.

To assist, we have listed in Related Documents the various LawLive templates that you may wish to use in relation to a Collective Agreement which is already in place to ensure compliance with the legislation and create the records you need.

When the Federal Government implements the Fair Work Act 2009 we will review this Checklist and related documents.

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