Discretionary Family Trust Deed Template with a Company Trustee | LawLive
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Discretionary (Family) Trust Deed: Company Trustee

Discretionary (Family) Trust Deed: Company Trustee
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LawLive also offers: Discretionary Trust Deed: Individual Trustee

This Discretionary Family Trust Deed is for the establishment of a discretionary trust where a company is the trustee. On this website, you will also find documents that allow you to operate the trust, as well as information to help you understand the concept of using a trust.

In 2006, the Federal Court made a significant legal finding in relation to property held in a discretionary trust, which challenged the traditional proposition that such property is generally not accessible except as provided in the Trust Deed. The Court held that, in some circumstances, property held by a trustee (whether a company or individual) on trust for an individual and that individual is the "effective controller or owner of the trust property", then that property may be available to creditors of the individual.

Therefore it is important when establishing a discretionary (family) trust to ensure that an individual who may be at risk of pursuit by creditors is not an appointor or trustee (or major or sole shareholder of a company appointed as trustee) so that trust property will remain quarantined from creditors.

This is a complex document which involves the creation of complex legal rights and obligations and may give rise to various taxation and liability consequences. The best way to use this document is to complete it, print it out, print out all of the checklists that apply to it and all other LawLive information that relates to this type of document. When you have done this, LawLive recommends you instruct lawyers to assist you in the finalisation of the document and that you take tax advice from your accountant or tax adviser as to any income tax, capital gains or GST consequences.

LAWLIVE does not give legal advice, and we strongly recommend that you obtain legal advice before creating a trust, using it to run a business or to acquire assets.

This Discretionary Family Trust Deed contains the following provisions:

1. Definitions
2. Income as to Trust Fund
3. Infant Beneficiaries Application of Income
4. Receipt of Moneys
5. Loss or Outgoings
6. Capital of the Trust Fund
7. Infant Beneficiaries and the Trust Fund
8. Minutes of the Trustee
9. Exclusion of Trustee Act Sections
10. Powers of the Trustee
11. General Powers
12. Powers Only Exercisable with Consent
13. Limitation of Liability
14. The Appointor and Appointor's Powers
15. Further Settlement on this Trust
16. Exclusion of Beneficiary
17. Excluded Person
18. Transfer to Another Trust
19. Applicable Law

This Pack includes Checklists, Statutory Declaration, Stamp Duty links and information relating to setting up a family trust.

Related available documents include:

  • Minute of Resolution to Act as Trustee of Discretionary Trust
  • Minute of Resolution For a Transaction
  • Trust Asset Register
  • Beneficiary Register
  • Trust Capital Distribution Register
  • Document Register - Trustee Company
  • Document Register - Individual Trustee
  • Trust Income Distribution Register
  • Register of Loans To Trust
  • Register of Loans Made by Trust

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  2. Not all docs were generated. Need someone to call me asap to sort this out - SID BANERJEE

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